Emakumeak Zientzian

The research centres CIC nanoGUNE, the Materials Physics Centre (CFM CSIC-UPV/EHU), CIC biomaGUNE, the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Biodonostia, Tecnun-School of Engineering, Ceit, POLYMAT and Elhuyar have come together to present a joint programme to mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science to be held internationally on 11 February across the world. In Donostia-San Sebastian, the Emakumeak Zientzian 2020 programme will run from 7 to 14 February with workshops, public talks, competitions, visits, etc. The initiative aims to make the activity of women in science visible, to break down typically male roles attributed to scientific and technical activities, and to encourage girls and teenagers to opt for careers in science. Emakumeak Zientzian 2020 is being supported by the Chartered Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Fomento San Sebastián, Donostia Kultura, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the National Research Council (CSIC).

All the activities scheduled will be free of charge. Registrations can be made over the Emakumeak Zientzian 2020 website: www.emakumeakzientzian.eus