Pint of Science 2019

This initiative brings Science to local bars, thereby breaking down the barriers that separate science from society.  For the fifth consecutive year CIC biomaGUNE researchers took active part in the organization of the Pint of Science event in San Sebastián.


Donostia-San Sebastián hosted its Fifth Edition of the scientific dissemination festival Pint of Science, an initiative that brings science and its advances in research in multiple fields to a general public and in an entertaining way in different bars of the city.
During 3 days, in 4 bars with different sessions and with the invaluable collaboration of 25 volunteers, 23 lectures have been enjoyed, with the participation of 26 researchers from 16 centers (educational, research, technological and business) who offered their views on current research in each of their areas of knowledge and about the technology of the future. In this fifth edition of the festival more than 600 people came to enjoy these pints of science that the festival offers every year.