National Nanotechnology Day

This annual initiative, launched in 2016, raises awareness of the prominent role nanoscience plays in our daily lives as well as the current limitations and promising, foreseeable applications for the future. This year, CIC biomaGUNE represented by his Scientific Director Luis Liz-Marzán participated at the informative webinar organized by ACS publications centered around the theme "Nano in Motion," which seeks to highlight the dynamic, interdisciplinary, and fast-paced nature of the field.
In this webinar, world-renowned experts described some of the latest development in topics such as the self-assembled nanostructures, design of nanomaterials for biological applications, and polymeric biomaterials. They also discussed the current state of the ever-expanding field of nanoscience and nanotechnology and give insight into the challenges that lie ahead.
You can watch the video on demand here: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&referrer=&eventid=1827414&sessionid=1&key=540E690CC740E7FBA988F7E01F238D64&regTag=&sourcepage=register&utm_source=PUBS&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=NanoDayODR