Bizitza salbatu nahian

Bizitza salbatu nahian is a project promoted by the center Tolosako lnmakulada Lanbide lkastola with the participation of CIC biomaGUNE and Onkologikoa whose objective is to relieve the stress of oncological patients.

This project aims to inform about the PET test (Positron Emission Tomography, is a non-invasive diagnostic and in vivo research technique, capable of measuring the metabolic activity of the human body that is used in cancer patients). For this purpose, the students of Radiodiagnosis and Nuclear Medicine have recorded a video, where the process of the test is explained in a clear and detailed manner.

In this video the process from the synthesis of radiopharmacology, through the administration of medication, to the final results is explained.
The project aims to create informative material so that the students of Radiodiagnosis and Nuclear Medicine can use it and so that the patients who are going to take the test have this valuable information. Those affected can reduce the peak of stress and anxiety that the test can generate because they will know what they will face at each moment.

"Sometimes people are afraid to submit to this test because they do not have the necessary information and we wanted to offer this information in a simple way," says Garazi Egiguren, project supervisor.
The students who have participated in the project are Eneko Galarraga and Naiara Mouriño, second year of Radiodiagnosis and Nuclear Medicine. Mouriño has been working with the Onkologikoa in the collection of information from the PET test and Galarraga has developed his work in CIC biomaGUNE where he has worked on the synthesis, the examination and the security means that are used to carry out the test.

Link of the project video of the work done by Eneko Galarraga at CIC biomaGUNE (in Euskera with Spanish subtitles):

Link of the project video of the work done by Naiara Mouriño at Onkologikoa (in Euskera with Spanish subtitles):

Link of the presentation of the project (in Spanish):

Press Clipping: https://www.cicbiomagune.es/sites/default/files/noticias/news/2018.11.19%20CIC%20biomaGUNE.pdf