Ralf Richter

He left CIC biomaGUNEon February 2018 for an Associate Professor position at the University of Leeds, UK.

Ralf Richter obtained his MSc in Physics at Chalmers/Gothenburg University (Sweden) in 1999. After an intermezzo in industry, he completed his PhD at the IECB/University of Bordeaux (France) in 2004. There, he worked in the group of Prof. A. Brisson on the characterization of biomolecular self-assembly, such as the formation of supported lipid membranes and the crystallization of proteins. Ralf held a postdoctoral position at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), working with J. Spatz, where he shifted his attention to the self-assembly phenomena underlying the formation of biological hydrogels. Ralf was a research group leader at CIC biomaGUNE between 2007 and 2018. During this period, he obtained a prestigious ERC Starting Grant.
