3rd CIC biomaGUNE PhD Day - Annual Workshop of Young Researchers of CIC biomaGUNE

For the third year in a row, the CIC biomaGUNE PhD Day took place on October 14&15. 

The “Annual Workshop of Young Researchers of CIC biomaGUNE” is a yearly meeting open to all researchers, but with a special emphasis on the participation of biomaGUNE’s PhD students.

The PhD students have the opportunity to present their latest results within a relaxed environment, and participate in lively scientific debates.  The contributions by PhD students of second and third year are in the form of short 5 minutes oral communications, encouraging them to focus on presenting the most important results of their research in a clear and concise way. Additionally, first year PhD students have the opportunity to introduce their research with a poster. As such, PhD Day tackles all research activities of CIC biomaGUNE, and provides postdocs and PhD students with an invaluable insight into the latest achievements performed at the institute, all within a reduced timeframe.

A number of prizes were awarded to the best oral communications and posters, but the best contributions of the students during the discussions following the talks were also recognized. These prizes were decided by the students themselves.

Audience attendance average number was above 100 persons during the event.


Students participating in the PhD Day 2020, total of 15 Posters and 30 oral Talks. Below the numbers:


Below the numbers by gender:


  Number Percentaje
  male female sum male female
Talks 10 20 30 33% 67%
Posters 8 7 15 53% 47%
Total 18 27 45 40% 60%



10 Prize winners (3 male (30%) and 7 female (70%))

Best question (students vote): Gabriela Guedes Faria
Best answer (students vote): Elisa Lenzi

Best poster (students vote): Liher García González
Best poster (committee vote): Gabriela Guedes Faria

Best talk (students vote): David Vila Liarte
Best talk (committee vote): Paula Vázquez

Scientific image (1st place): Paula Vázquez
Scientific image (2nd place): Uxue Aizarna Lopetegui

Photo Montage (1st place): Giuseppe Misia.
Photo Montage (2nd place): Raquel Ruiz Hernández



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