The post holder will work closely with the R&D&I Management Unit of CIC biomaGUNE (research grants and technology transfer units), Human Resources, Financial Management, and Direction Units.
The main duties and responsibilities encompass various tasks, including but not limited to:
- Project management: Support the Project coordinator of CHIRAL-PRO in administrative issues, project monitoring as well as strategic planning:
- Report preparation and tracking of scientific production: Coordinating and contributing to the writing of technical and financial reports, scientific deliverables, and other project-related documentation.
- Supporting HR aspects in exchange activities or supporting job offer preparation, selection, and recruitment process for ongoing projects.
- Organizing project events, meetings, workshops, and other activities.
- Managing the content of the project websites, social media and ensuring dissemination of project results to the scientific community, relevant stakeholders, and the general public.
- Financial management: Maximizing the outcome of ongoing projects within the available budget.
- Funding: Identifing new project opportunities (covering both national and international competitive calls, from public and private funding institutions).
- Project formulation: Pre-evaluating proposals to maximize success. Supporting the definition of project goals, advising on project partners, budget preparation, and providing support on proposal writing and submission.
- Open Science: Maintain publications database (complying with open access and open data mandates), elaboration of Data Management Plans, organization and coordination of data management, preparation and analysis while considering FAIR principles.
- R&D&I Quality: Maintaining CIC biomaGUNE's R&D&I quality management system certified under the UNE 166002 Standard, ensuring proper record collection in the Integrated Management System, periodically reviewing the system, conducting internal audits, preparing reports, updating SOP, overseeing non-conformities, and managing preventive and corrective actions, as well as providing support in preparing annual activity reports.